5 Steps to Creating Your Dream Life.
I’m so happy you’re here, reading this. The world needs more amazing women like you, who are ready to dream big and create a wildly fulfilling life, rooted in their passion and purpose.
When you find the courage to got for the life of your dreams, you inspire others to do the same.
You create a ripple effect, showing others it’s possible to follow their passion, embrace their calling, and turn their lives from ordinary to extraordinary.
This is why I’ve created this 5-step Process to Creating Your Dream Life.
Whether you want to start a soul-led business, be the best mum you could be or travel the world, the steps remain the same.
Think of this post as a free mini-course, packed with juicy insights that I usually save for my coaching clients.
Read it while it's still available for free - it won't stay that way for long!
Ready? Let’s dig in!
STEP 1: Assess Where You’re Currently At
Does this sound familiar?
It’s Monday morning and you wake up thinking: ‘There’s more to life than this!’.
You’re tired of feeling stuck, like you’re not living your life to the fullest or not fulfilling your true purpose.
You’re ready to dream big but don’t know how and where to start. As a result, you feel stuck in the same cycle week after week, going through the motions without a clear direction or progress.
(I’ve been there!)
This cycle will keep repeating itself until you get honest about what’s not working, decide how you want things to be and understand what’s standing in the way, so you can take inspired action to make your dreams a reality.
It sounds obvious, but when was the last time you actually did this?
How about we do it now, together!♥
Get a clear picture of your life
You can't make progress if you don’t know where you're starting from. The Wheel of Life gives you a clear picture of how you feel about your life, what works and what doesn’t, and sets the basis for what you want to experience.
It’s a simple, tried-and-true tool, because simplicity is exactly what you need to lay a solid foundation.
For each Wheel of Life category ask yourself, on a scale from 1-10 (with 10 being the ideal), “How happy am I with this area of life?”
Don’t overthink it, just go with your gut feeling - it’s always right!
The key is to approach this without judgment. This isn’t a test, you’re not going for the highest score. You’re focusing on what’s true to you, so you can shift your reality if you so wish.
If you’re not happy with your ‘score’ - congratulations!
It means you’ve outgrown your circumstances and are ready for more.
If you weren't ready, you wouldn't be feeling dissatisfied.
You'd be happy exactly where you are.
Use this discomfort as a driving force towards the life you‘ll love.
What do you want to transform?
Choose the category that matters most to you, where you want to see the biggest transformation (it will most likely reflect your dream goal).
This will be your main focus as you go through the steps.
What’s working well?
What isn’t, and why?
Understanding the why is important. You might think that your circumstances need to change for you to create the life you want, but what you may actually need is not a change of circumstances but a shift in perspective.
Your thoughts, beliefs and actions create your circumstances. And it may very well be that it’s your mindset - how you perceive your reality - that needs a little adjustment.
Need help completing your Wheel of Life? Book a FREE 1:1 Clarity Call ✨ with me. I’m confident we’ll reach a breakthrough together!
STEP 2: Get Crystal Clear on What You Want
The first step to creating anything and everything you want is getting clear on what you want.
Once you know where you’re at and have a good idea of what's working and what isn't, it’s time to ask a better question:
How would you like your life to be?
This is where we start to dream BIG, and focus on what’s possible.
Set a Heart-Based Goal
If you don’t like goal setting, it’s because you’ve been setting the wrong goals.
(Or spent too many hours doing SWAT analysis at work! Leave a comment if you relate.)
Forget SMART goals - I want you to dream BIG!
We want juicy, heart-based goals that light you up and get you out of bed with excitement and a sense of purpose!
Ego-driven goals, based on what you think you ‘should’ or ‘need’ to do lack a deeper meaning.
Heart-based goals speak to you on a soul level - they are the things you’ve been dreaming about, that light you up from within.
If you prefer, refer to your ‘goals’ as dreams or intentions - this will help break the negative association.
What is your dream, heart-based goal?
Be specific, for example:
I want to launch a wildly successful wellness brand supporting women’s health.
I want to be the best mum I can be for my daughter - I want to show her that anything is possible so that she can be the strong woman that I am today.
Tune into Your Values - What’s Important to You?
If your goals aren't aligned with what you value the most, you won’t take action.
Your values remind you of what truly matters to you. They are the North Star of everything you do. When you’re clear on your values, you’re more likely to say a potent YES! to what feels right, and ‘no’ to what doesn’t.
Behind every NO is a deeper YES that brings you closer to the life you want!
My core value is freedom, and I’ve built my entire life around it - from quitting my job to travel, starting my first business and becoming a digital nomad, to what I do today - showing women how to move from stuck to thriving.
Here are a couple of examples of personal values:
Integrity, empathy, honesty, resilience, creativity, compassion, independence, determination, authenticity, loyalty, boldness, adventure, courage, freedom, creativity, kindness, loyalty, generosity and so on.
Write down your core values and keep them somewhere you can see them, as a reminder to say yes to the things that bring you closer to where you want to be.
Define your ‘WHY’
WHY is this dream important to you?
What’s the bigger purpose behind it?
How will your life — and the lives of those closest to you— transform once you make it a reality?
Your WHY is your purpose. It paints a vivid picture of what you want, why, and how it looks like. It’s also the anchor that keeps you motivated, especially in moments when you feel stuck or discouraged.
A deep sense of purpose helps turn any goal into a tangible reality.
Here’s an example:
Meet Leah. Her goal is to turn a plot of land into a community garden.
Not much to get excited about, right?
Let’s see what happens when you infuse this goal with a powerful mission:
Meet Leah. She dreams of transforming an unused plot of land into a vibrant community garden. Her purpose runs deep:
She envisions a space where neighbours get together, share stories, and cultivate friendships. The garden won’t just grow vegetables; it’ll nourish souls. She wants to provide fresh produce to families who struggle to put food on the table. For her, it’s about more than just tomatoes and zucchinis—it’s about feeding hope.
See what I mean?!
How much more powerful and exciting is this compared to just saying, “I want to build a community garden”… or start a business, be a good parent, you name it.
When you connect to your why, you tap into the real reason behind why you want the things you want.
You speak to your subconscious and connect to your heart space, the place where your dreams and soul purpose reside, which inspires you to take action.
A goal fueled by an exciting vision, strong values, and a deep sense of purpose becomes magnetic!
STEP 3: Create an Irresistible Vision
To make your dreams a reality, you need an irresistibly compelling vision. You want it to be so exciting that it outweighs temporary discomfort and motivates you to take inspired action.
We’re not looking for a ‘nice to have’.
You want to create a vision so vivid and aligned that you can’t wait to make it a reality.
Only then will you take consistent steps towards your goal.
Your Vision= Your Heart-based Goal + Core Calues + Your Why
Supercharge your Vision with Visualisation
Visualisation is an incredibly potent tool. You may think it's purely spiritual but actually, visualisation is grounded in science.
Your brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined. Visualisation activates the same neural pathways in the brain as the real experience. This means that when you vividly picture your desired outcome, your brain starts laying down the neural pathways to make it happen.
Isn’t that incredible?!
You can quite literally think your way into a better life (as long as you follow it up with action).
Visualisation is not only powerful; it's fun! It lets you experience all the things you want, complete with all the emotions and excitement, in the present moment, supercharging your actions with positivity and purpose.
Visualise your Dream Reality
What does your dream look and feel like?
Take a moment to visualise it, see it unfold like a movie playing in your head.
That dream life you wanted is now a reality: how are you feeling, what are you doing? Imagine all the details!
What does a day in the life of your Future Self look like?
Who are you surrounded by?
What changed compared to the life you’re living now?
How did making your dream a reality improve the lives of your loved ones?
The key to successful visualisation is to feel the emotions of living your dream life in the now, as if it's already yours.
Remember: the brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s vividly imagined - you have a powerful ally on your side!
Connect to the emotion of it all, and know that it’s already on its way to you.
I encourage you to visualise daily. My favourite time to visualise is first thing after waking up. That’s when your brain is in the alpha state, which amplifies manifestations. urs.
Not a fan of visualisation? There are other powerful practcies we can explore. Book your FREE Clarity Call ✨ and let’s get you started!
Step 4: WHO do you need to BE to make your dream a reality?
When we start working on our dreams we usually begin with the ‘how’.
How can I reach my goals? What steps should I take?
But that’s the wrong question.
The link between your current reality and your dream isn’t your to-do list — it’s YOU!
So, before you start turning your dreams into quarterly, monthly, and daily goals, take a moment to ask yourself...
Who do I need to BE to make my dream a reality?
When you focus on who you need to be, the doing naturally follows!
Creating lasting change requires somewhat of an identity shift. If you want a next-level life, you have to uplevel your mindset.
You can’t keep repeating the same routines, stay stuck in the same way of thinking, and expect things to change.
For your life to change, YOU have to change.
Here’s how to do it.
Connect to Your Future Self.
Imagine the Future Self that you saw in your visualisation, the next-level you who made it all possible.
Who is she?
How does she spend her day?
What habits does she cultivate?
What energy does she embody?
How does she handle challenges and setbacks?
What about her mindset —does she embrace opportunities or dwell on the negative?
Who does she surround herself with, and how do those people contribute to her life?
And the game-changer question:
What can you do today to take a step towards becoming her?
What habits do you need to develop?
Where do you need to uplevel?
This brings us to Step 5 (this is where it gets really exciting!).
STEP 5: Let GO to create a space for your dreams
To step into this expansive, next-level version of yourself, you need to let go of what weighs you down.
Unhelpful habits. Uninspiring routines. Outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. Toxic relationships.
That’s how you make room for expansion.
Letting go creates a space for something even better than you imagined.
When you hold onto what no longer serves you, you stop yourself from receiving the things you want.
No amount of visualisation or careful planning will get you closer to the life of your dreams if you don’t LET GO.
If you focus on what's not working instead of what you want; if you invest your time in the wrong people, repeat toxic patterns, let your limiting beliefs run the show instead of challenging them, or mindlessly scroll through social media leaving yourself drained, with no mental space to take mindful action…
…then you’ll end up repeating the same old story over and over again.
Your past will become your future.
But it doesn’t have to be this way! ✨
You can change your future by changing how you show up in the present moment.
This starts with letting go of past identities that no longer benefit you.
You can do it by asking yourself one simple question and answering truthfully: What’s stopping me from getting one step closer to my Future Self, and how can I let go of it?
Need help shifting limiting beliefs so they no longer stop you from taking action? Book a 1:1 with me! ✨We’ll spend 30min going over your goals, life vision and anything holding you back. Then, we'll make a plan to help you succeed!
BONUS STEP: Go Inward to Move Forward
To move forward in life, you have to create a space to slow down, reflect, and connect to your intuition and inner knowing.
A lot of people get nowhere fast because they never take the time to self-reflect!
Luckily, that’s not you. I can tell because you’re here, reading this - showing up for yourself and your dreams!
We often look outside of ourselves for answers, decision-making, even joy.
But the truth is, we already have the answers — they are just drowned out by the mental chatter (hello, monkey brain!).
That’s why the only way forward is inward - deeper into ourselves.
Meditation is the ultimate tool for connecting with your inner wisdom.
It calms your thoughts, resets your nervous system for clear thinking, and deepens you awareness. When you go beyond the ‘monkey brain’ and the logical mind, you create a space where you can reprogramme your subconscious and start creating the results you want.
Meditation helps…
Access your inner wisdom:
When you cancel out the noise of external opinions, expectations and comparison, you get to connect to the part of you that already knows.
It’s like consulting an internal compass that points you toward your true north.
Self-reflect and gain clarity
This gives you clarity about your desires, values, and purpose.
When you understand yourself better, you make better-informed decisions and align your actions with your most authentic self. This brings you closer to the life you want!
Meditation amplifies visualisation
When you feel relaxed and safe in your mind and body, visualisation and intention-setting become much easier!
This is your sign to make meditation a part of your daily routine, even for a couple of minutes a day.
Wow - you’ve made it!
This was my longest post yet and you’ve made it to the end. Well done!
This tells me you’re truly ready for MORE.
More abundance. More alignment. More joy.
And I would absolutely LOVE to support you.
Here’s what I had in mind.
I’m soon launching The Dream Life Lab ✨ The 1:1 Coaching Programme for women who are done playing it small and want to transform their energy and mindset to create a wildly fulfilling life, fueled by their true purpose, passion and daily joy.
If that’s you, I’d love to have a call with you ahead of the go-live date and see if we’re a good fit to work together.